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Articles tagged with: Sondheim

Bullets fly amid poignant comedy as Kokandy scores bull’s eye with Sondheim’s ‘Assassins’

Jul 7, 2014 – 8:13 pm | 3,353 views
Eric Lindahl as John Wilkes Booth in ASSASSINS Kokandy Productions (Joshua Albanese)

Review: Imagine a homicidal hearts club of a very particular kind, where killers of U.S. presidents (and would-be killers) gather to clash and kibitz and relive the “why” in a time-bending collage, and you have “Assassins.” Chicago’s latest pocket production of the John Weidman-Stephen Sondheim 1990 classic comes at the close of a remarkable season for precision-cut Sondheim stagings, and this is one of them. ★★★★

New York ‘Follies’ stars Broadway babies old enough to have a boffo then and now

Dec 7, 2011 – 1:32 pm | 4,294 views
Follies Set-Ups

Appreciation: The showgirls of Broadway’s “Follies” have histories of their own. Hats off to these flawless charmers and their former selves in a present — and past — perfect production.