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Articles tagged with: Shattered Globe Theatre

Role Playing: Eileen Niccolai harnessed a storm of emotions to create spark in Williams’ Serafina

Feb 19, 2015 – 1:27 am | 1,744 views
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Interview: If you look at this wounded but willful, indeed headstrong and dauntless soul Serafina in Tennessee Williams’ tragi-comedy “The Rose Tattoo” and see nothing less than a force of nature, you’re on the same page with Eileen Niccolai, who brings the belligerent widow to hilarious life with Shattered Globe Theatre.

Shattered Globe summons blush as well as heat in Williams’ gritty comedy ‘The Rose Tattoo’

Jan 27, 2015 – 12:26 pm | 1,912 views
The Rose Tattoo at Shattered Globe Theatre 2015 (Michael Brosilow)

Review: When I look back on Chicago’s current theater season, certain performances will stand out as they always do for that singular blurring of actor and character that makes you feel more like you’re eavesdropping than watching a play. No doubt that special few will include Eileen Niccolai’s earthy, vulnerable, funny embodiment of Serafina Delle Rose in Tennessee Williams’ “The Rose Tattoo” with Shattered Globe Theatre. ★★★★

Theater 2014-15: Shattered Globe hoists sail with historic saga of Pacific whaling disaster

Aug 14, 2014 – 10:44 pm | 1,921 views
The Whaleship Essex thumbnail, feature image 2

Third in a series of season previews: The 24th season at Shattered Globe Theatre opens in the spray, rage and terror of Joe Forbrich’s new play “The Whaleship Essex,” a sea thriller that dramatizes an incident in 1820 when the whaling vessel Essex was attacked and destroyed by a giant whale.

Chicago Theatre Week: Curtain rises on Act 2 with now-eager audience on edge of its seats

Feb 2, 2014 – 3:16 pm | 7,126 views
Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Phantom of the Opera' presented by Broadway in Chicago at the Cadillac Palace Theatre. (Matthew Murphy photo)

Preview: When the League of Chicago Theatres decided to stage its first Chicago Theatre Week last year, offering discounted tickets to some 100 productions and other perks in a sort of regional stimulus package, no one knew how it would go – whether the public would bite. What happened was more like a gobble: All 6,000 tickets in the discount pool were snapped up. Now Chicago Theatre Week is back, with the 2014 version of dramas for $15 and $30, and this time the presenters exude optimism.

Condemned to a brutal world, British prisoners act out their humanity in ‘Our Country’s Good’

Jan 28, 2014 – 10:27 pm | 10,736 views
A British sailor (Drew Shad) looks for love with a female prisoner (Mary Franke) in 'Our Country's Good.' (Michael Brosilow)

Review: On the surface, a play about 18th-century British scofflaws creating a play while imprisoned in the distant wilds of Australia might seem, well, remote­ – and too likely to harangue on the morally transformative powers of theater. Suspend your disbelief. “Our Country’s Good,” by British playwright Timberlake Wertenbaker, explores such a premise in crackling drama that’s raw, funny, sober, persuasive and brought off with disarming humanity by the fine ensemble of Shattered Globe Theatre. ★★★

To corporate raider, the blood is just business in ‘Other People’s Money’ at Shattered Globe

Sep 27, 2013 – 10:33 pm | 12,555 views
They call him Larry the Liquidator (Ben Werling) and he's proud of it in Shattered Globe's Other People's Money (Emily Schwartz)

Review: Larry Garfinkle lives by the numbers, as in quarterly profits and losses. He’s a practical guy, all business, with a nose for blood. When he sees a company in trouble, he moves in, goes for the kill, let the working stiffs fall where they may. And Larry Garfinkle is thoroughly inhabited, from his three-piece suits to his vulgar charm, in Ben Werling’s portrayal at the center of Jerry Sterner’s wry comedy “Other People’s Money” for Shattered Globe Theatre. ★★★★

Theater 2013-14: Shattered Globe puts deposit on edgy season with ‘Other People’s Money’

Aug 23, 2013 – 2:49 pm | 14,780 views
Other People's Money saturate montage

Fifth in a series of season previews: The stuff of Shattered Globe Theatre’s season planning might be described as polar opposites: The issues that concern us all and the issues that pull as apart. Perfectly matched to that conflicted perspective is the company’s 22nd season opener, the double-edged comedy of Jerry Sterner’s “Other People’s Money.”

From Beckett’s world emerge the authentic figure and dark soul of ‘Krapp’s Last Tape’

May 3, 2013 – 6:00 pm | 11,623 views
Krapp (Rick Cluchey) scorns the man he was in Krapp's Last Tape by Samuel Beckett  produced by Shattered Globe Theatre credit Kevin Viol

Review: ★★★★★

Amid war to win vote for British women, flames of passion illuminate ‘Her Naked Skin’

May 15, 2012 – 1:00 am | 7,646 views
Her Naked Skin Rebecca Lenkiewicz Shattered Globe Theatre 2012 foreground  Sheila O'Connor Linda Reiter credit Kevin Viol

Suffrage at Shattered Globe. 4 stars!