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Visiting the Darwins: ‘In the Garden’ dispenses some homey chat about homo sapiens and God

Apr 28, 2014 – 6:06 pm | 9,809 views
Darwin (Andrew White) shows his children (Caroline Heffernan and John Francis Babbo) the hand-like bones common to various creatures. (Liz Lauren)

Review: Scene upon witty scene, there is much to admire about Sara Gmitter’s elegant and facile new play “In the Garden: A Darwinian Love Story,” which in its world premiere at Lookingglass Theatre offers a kind of evolutionary portrait of the marriage of Charles and Emma Darwin. Floridly festooned in designer Collette Pollard’s literal interlacing of the natural and civilized worlds, “In the Garden” exudes a radiant, if benign charm. ★★