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Articles tagged with: Peter Moore

Theater 2015-16: Steep gets down and grapples with Linklater premiere, more Simon Stephens

Oct 1, 2015 – 1:06 pm | 855 views
Kendra Thulin in the world premiere of 'The Cheats' at Steep Theatre. (Gregg Gilman)

17th in a series of season previews: Founding artistic director Peter Moore says Steep Theatre’s 15th season captures the essence of what this scrappy company is all about – “ground-level views of life.” That low-angle survey begins with the world premiere of Hamish Linklater’s “The Cheats,” about two neighboring couples who suddenly find themselves uncomfortably close.

Role Playing: Shane Kenyon touches charisma and hurt of lovable loser in Steep’s ‘If There Is’

May 29, 2014 – 10:59 am | 2,966 views
Actor Shane Kenyon, who plays Terry in Nick Payne's 'If There Is I Haven't Found It Yet' at Steep Theatre.

Interview: Into the life of overweight, lonely, sullen teenager Anna, in Nick Payne’s play “If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet,” bursts her similarly miserable but emotionally supercharged uncle Terry. He’s an instantly appealing guy who, says actor Shane Kenyon, has invested a lifetime of energy in “running away from growing up and accepting responsibility.”

‘If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet’ at Steep: Noting the footprint, but missing the people

Apr 23, 2014 – 11:04 am | 11,420 views
Anna (Caitlin Looney) listens to some straight talks from her uncle Terry. (Lee Miller)

Review: Anna is 15 years old, seriously overweight and disconnected from just everything: her mom and dad, her school mates, her life. But disconnection runs in the family. Anna’s parents don’t seem to notice her. Then into their midst, in Nick Payne’s absorbing and painful play “If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet,” pops the girl’s utterly lost soul of an uncle bearing a glimmer of hope. It is a promise as fragile as it is paradoxical, and exquisitely framed by four superb actors in Steep Theatre’s fine production directed by Jonathan Berry. ★★★★

‘Motortown’ at Steep: Danny comes marching home, but the emotional shelling doesn’t stop

Oct 29, 2013 – 7:25 pm | 6,139 views
Danny (Joel Reitsma) tries to fan the old flame with Marley (Julia Siple) in 'Motortown' at Steep Theatre (Lee Miller)

Review: Danny has no visible scars, no missing limbs, but this former British soldier bears deep wounds from his tour of duty in Iraq. He is the tormented, dangerous antihero of playwright Simon Stephens’ “Motortown,” now in a riveting North American premiere run at Steep Theatre. ★★★★

‘Making Noise Quietly’ at Steep: Three swings to make solid connection, but only moving air

Oct 16, 2012 – 12:10 am | 7,917 views
Lorraine-Freund-Théo-Tougne-and-Craig-Cunningham-in-Steep-Theatres-MAKING-NOISE-QUIETLY 550
