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Articles tagged with: Other People’s Money

To corporate raider, the blood is just business in ‘Other People’s Money’ at Shattered Globe

Sep 27, 2013 – 10:33 pm | 12,556 views
They call him Larry the Liquidator (Ben Werling) and he's proud of it in Shattered Globe's Other People's Money (Emily Schwartz)

Review: Larry Garfinkle lives by the numbers, as in quarterly profits and losses. He’s a practical guy, all business, with a nose for blood. When he sees a company in trouble, he moves in, goes for the kill, let the working stiffs fall where they may. And Larry Garfinkle is thoroughly inhabited, from his three-piece suits to his vulgar charm, in Ben Werling’s portrayal at the center of Jerry Sterner’s wry comedy “Other People’s Money” for Shattered Globe Theatre. ★★★★

Theater 2013-14: Shattered Globe puts deposit on edgy season with ‘Other People’s Money’

Aug 23, 2013 – 2:49 pm | 14,781 views
Other People's Money saturate montage

Fifth in a series of season previews: The stuff of Shattered Globe Theatre’s season planning might be described as polar opposites: The issues that concern us all and the issues that pull as apart. Perfectly matched to that conflicted perspective is the company’s 22nd season opener, the double-edged comedy of Jerry Sterner’s “Other People’s Money.”