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Articles tagged with: Neil Simon

Theater 2013-14: Irish world premiere tops lineup of 5 shows in Northlight’s 39th year

Aug 29, 2013 – 11:50 pm | 3,546 views
John Mahoney

Seventh in season preview series: Northlight Theatre’s marquee for 2013-14 promises a world premiere turn by actor John Mahoney, the company directing debut of Ron OJ Parson in a Midwest premiere and director Kimberly Senior’s inauguration in her new role as the 39-year-old company’s first artistic associate.

‘Brighton Beach Memoirs’ at Raven: A young man’s fancy swings from baseball to – sex!

May 20, 2013 – 11:22 pm | 13,007 views
Sophia Menendian, left, with Elizabeth Stenholt in Brighton Beach Memoirs credit Dean LaPrairie

Review: ★★★★

The New Season: Northlight’s latest adventure caroms from Guthrie’s America to a lonely bar

Sep 3, 2012 – 10:42 am | 2,410 views
Woody Guthrie's American Song

12th in a series of season previews: Northlight Theatre director BJ Jones prides himself on leading patrons down far-ranging highways and byways, to places that may feel familiar and comfortable – and other destinations a long way from Kansas. The company’s 2012-13 season of five plays covers just such a map, from Ireland and the Civil War-torn South to Woody Guthrie’s vision of America and a world premiere in a shared orbit of loneliness.

The New Season: To be or not to be (truthful) proves question of the year at Writers’ Theatre

Aug 17, 2012 – 1:15 pm | 5,041 views
Hamlet to open Writers' Theatre season 2012-13 image courtesy Writers

Eighth in a series of season previews: Words, words, words. Are they the stuff of truth or the fabric of prevarication? Writers’ Theatre will bookend its 2012-13 season with both possibilities, swinging the spotlight from Shakespeare’s Hamlet in his quest for veracity to Corneille’s feigning manipulator in “The Liar.”

The New Season: Raven Theatre cuts fresh loaf of Americana with Odets’ ‘Big Knife’

Aug 11, 2012 – 6:33 pm | 4,722 views
Raven Theatre night banner credit Dean LaPrairie

Sixth in a series of season previews: Technically, it may not be a Chicago premiere, but Clifford Odets’ “The Big Knife,” which opens Raven Theatre’s 30th anniversary season, would be a rarity on any stage and artistic director Michael Menendian is eager to revive this sober tale of glitzy Hollywood’s dark side.