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Articles tagged with: Leonard Slatkin

Broadening stream of virtual performances ranges from master classes to masterworks

Jan 11, 2016 – 8:09 pm | 1,090 views
Watch DiDonato teach at Carnegie Hall alternate feature image

Digital Preview: With another Artic blast on the way, it’s a good time to check out the world’s top fine arts events available live or on-demand — Joyce DiDonato’s master classes at Carnegie Hall, a “Ring” in Vienna, a new cello concerto in Detroit. And the Lyric Opera of Chicago has just finished recording its new “Bel Canto” for a future PBS broadcast.

Klezmer opera ‘The Property’ melds nostalgia, renewal in music awash with Old-World charm

Mar 1, 2015 – 12:19 pm | 2,810 views
Regina (Jill Grove) sits alone in Warsaw,  contemplates making contact with someone from the past in The Property. (Robert Kusel)

Feature Review: “The Property,” a new vest-pocket opera that burst onto the Chicago scene Feb. 25, is the sweet-spirited musical brainchild of a 28-year-old Minsk-born Polish composer Wlad Marhulets, who makes a living these days tooling music for films in L.A. Marhuletz came to the Lyric Opera by way of klezmer madness — not a disease, rather an exhilarating state of mind. Through March 5.★★★

Bates’ new concerto is feather in violinist’s cap when Slatkin leads CSO in American concert

Apr 18, 2014 – 11:18 pm | 2,546 views
Leonard Slatkin conducted the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in an all-American program.

Review: What an engaging, stimulating change of pace, this weekend’s all-American concert fare offered by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and conductor Leonard Slatkin at Orchestra Hall. Extending from classics by Barber and Gershwin through William Schuman’s bold, robust Sixth Symphony to youthful Mason Bates’ cleverly crafted Violin Concerto, the program heard April 17 offered a resounding reminder of this country’s enduring contribution to orchestral music in the modern era.

World premieres in Grant Park’s 2014 plans; conductors renew ties for festival’s 80th year

Feb 12, 2014 – 3:29 pm | 4,956 views
Composer William Bolcom's new concerto for orchestra is scheduled for Grant Park Music Festival Aug.  15-16, 2014 (Katryn Colin)

Report: World premieres by composers William Bolcom and Christopher Theofanidis and the return of former principal conductors Leonard Slatkin and Hugh Wolff will highlight the Grant Park Music Festival’s 80th anniversary season at Jay Pritzker Pavilion.