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Articles tagged with: Keira Fromm

Role Playing: Dave Belden, actor and violinist, adjusted pitch for ‘Charles Ives Take Me Home’

Jun 18, 2014 – 10:24 am | 4,694 views
Actor Dave Belden

Interview: When Dave Belden took on the role of a violinist whose daughter wants nothing more than to play basketball, in Jessica Dickey’s “Charles Ives Take Me Home” at Strawdog Theatre, he saw himself as perfectly suited to the part. He plays in the Chicago Sinfonietta. What he had to overcome was his notion of himself as a fundamentally nice guy.

‘Charles Ives Take Me Home’ at Strawdog: Tune is familiar but dad, daughter can’t harmonize

May 28, 2014 – 1:58 pm | 13,997 views

Review: John Starr has enjoyed a successful career as a classical violinist, but he feels like he’s living between bookends of alienation. He never shared his father’s zeal for sports, and now his daughter is determined to make basketball her life. In Jessica Dickey’s radiant play “Charles Ives Take Me Home,” brought warmly to life at Strawdog Theatre, it is a headstrong, pragmatic and philosophical composer – in spirit anyway – who guides a father and daughter toward common ground in their disparate passions. ★★★★

‘The How and the Why’ at TimeLine: Evolution thicker than blood as biologists clash

Feb 17, 2014 – 6:31 pm | 10,707 views
The How And The Why (Lara Goetsch)

Review: Rachel Hardeman is 28 years old and very bright, in fact a budding evolutionary biologist. She’s also a prickly pear who wears her attitude like a badge – or perhaps a protective cape. In Sarah Treem’s fascinating play “The How and the Why,” now on clinical display at TimeLine Theatre, Rachel collides with a blood relative who may owe her a good deal – some explaining for starters – and the thorns fly. ★★★