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Articles tagged with: Horton Foote

Theater 2015-16: Raven expands to five plays, kicks off season with three Midwest premieres

Sep 17, 2015 – 4:10 pm | 742 views
Life's surreal on death row for the Scottsboro Boys; whose bleak farce of incarceration for a crime they didn't commit plays out at Raven.

14th in a series of season previews: Opening with a run of Midwest premieres, Raven Theatre expands from four plays to five this season to capitalize on the opportunity offered by its dual performing spaces. And first up is a Mark Stein’s searing “entertainment” with the long, ironically evocative title of “Direct from Death Row: The Scottsboro Boys (An Evening of Vaudeville and Sorrow).”

Theater 2014-15: Raven revisits Miller tragedy, stages a world premiere in its 32nd season

Sep 21, 2014 – 1:32 pm | 1,988 views
Chuck Spencer plays a man with a heavy conscience in Arthur Miller's 'All My Sons' at Raven Theatre. (Dean LaPrairie)

15th in a series of season previews: Out of what co-artistic director Michael Menendian calls “a lot hand-wringing,” Raven Theatre has fashioned a family-business themed season that begins with a company reprise of Arthur Miller’s “All My Sons,” includes a world premiere and ends with a play about Armendian genocide that’s close to Menendian’s heart. “It’s the greatest challenge to pick the season,” he says, “The goal is to balance the tone without essentially repeating the same story.”

Theater 2013-14: The lure of a different life links Raven trips to ‘Bountiful’ and beyond

Sep 4, 2013 – 2:25 pm | 4,388 views
Millie Hurley as Carrie Watts in 'A Trip to Bountiful,' which opens the Raven Theatre 2013-14 season.

Tenth in a series of season previews: From the season opener, Horton Foote’s “The Trip to Bountiful” to the finale with Tennessee Williams’s “The Vieux Carré,” the 2013-14 lineup of plays at Raven Theatre centers on what artistic director Michael Menendian calls “that little ache in our heart, the secret longing for a different life.”