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Articles tagged with: “Hamlet”

‘Hamlet’ at American Players Theatre: Agony and wit, and clear view of a timeless tragedy

Sep 1, 2013 – 5:49 pm | 6,674 views
Matt Schwader is Hamlet at the American Players Theatre 2013 (Carissa Dixon)

Review: As summer turns into fall, it’s worth making time to catch Chicago actor Matthew Schwader as that restlessly inquisitive and acid wit, Hamlet, who comes magisterially unhinged in Shakespeare’s masterwork. “Hamlet” is enjoying a gloriously long reign at American Players Theatre in Spring Green, WI. ★★★★★

American Players Theatre offers Shakespeare, Friel, Stoppard in a festival mix in the woods

Jun 14, 2013 – 11:40 pm | 7,627 views
Colleen Madden in Molly Sweeney at American Players Theatre credit Zane Williams

Preview: What’s in a name? American Players Theatre, which has been filling summers with drama since 1980 in the woods of Spring Green, Wis., doesn’t trade on the Shakespeare brand. But in every aspect of making theater, from staging to vocal delivery to its choice of plays, this ambitious enterprise hews to the Bard as its reference point. In the 2013 mix of eight plays, which opens June 15, APT includes a typical infusion of Shakespeare, a stylistic sweep from “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” and “Hamlet” to “Antony and Cleopatra.”

The New Season: To be or not to be (truthful) proves question of the year at Writers’ Theatre

Aug 17, 2012 – 1:15 pm | 5,040 views
Hamlet to open Writers' Theatre season 2012-13 image courtesy Writers

Eighth in a series of season previews: Words, words, words. Are they the stuff of truth or the fabric of prevarication? Writers’ Theatre will bookend its 2012-13 season with both possibilities, swinging the spotlight from Shakespeare’s Hamlet in his quest for veracity to Corneille’s feigning manipulator in “The Liar.”