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Articles tagged with: Dream of the Burning Boy

Role Playing: Darrell W. Cox sees theater’s core in closed-off teacher of ‘Burning Boy’

Apr 24, 2013 – 5:50 pm | 5,699 views
Actor Darrell W. Cox plays high school teacher Larry Morrow in The Dream of the Burning Boy by David West Read at Profiles 2013

Interview: The central character Larry, an English teacher, in David West Read’s “The Dream of the Burning Boy,” is a smart, inspiring mentor to the kids around him. But when they need him as consoling father-figure, after one of their classmates dies, Larry can’t engage their pain or embrace them emotionally. For Darrell W. Cox, who delivers a wrenching portrait of the teacher at Profiles Theatre, such a closed-off, deeply complicated soul is the touchstone of great drama.

The New Season: Teaming with Neil LaBute, Profiles readies 24th year on the gritty fringe

Jul 29, 2012 – 11:33 pm | 4,960 views
The longtime Profiles Theatre association of Joe Jahraus, Neil LaBute and Darrell W Cox continues

First in a series of season previews: Profiles Theatre will open its 24th season Aug. 24 with playwright Neil LaBute officially inducted into the family, a second performing space in use and a new mantra that crystalizes the company’s founding philosophy: “Whatever the truth requires.”