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Articles tagged with: Chicago Symphony Orchestra

In contrasting Mozart concertos with the CSO, pianist Mitsuko Uchida blends depth, charm

Mar 29, 2013 – 1:29 pm | 3,439 views
Pianist Mitsuko Uchida credit Jean Radel

Review: While it wasn’t quite the alpha and omega of Mozart’s numerous ventures into the piano concerto, the two works pianist Mitsuko Uchida performed March 28 with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra did offer a telling perspective on a composer on top of the world and one who had seen all too much of it. ★★★★

Conductor Tugan Sokhiev, in CSO debut, sets Russian stamp on Tchaikovsky 4th Symphony

Mar 23, 2013 – 5:57 pm | 3,486 views
Ossetian conductor Tugan Sokhiev makes Chicago Symphony Orchestra debut March 2013 credit Todd Rosenberg

Review: While the Tchaikovsky symphonies hardly belong to the exclusive province of Russian conductors, the free-wheeling, hair-raising Fourth Symphony that Tugan Sokhiev led with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra on March 21 simply may not be an interpretive option within the DNA of conductors from other parts of the world. ★★★★

Subbing for Boulez again, Cristian Macelaru looks like conducting star on rise with CSO

Mar 8, 2013 – 6:02 pm | 6,564 views
Cristian Macelaru

Review: Twice in the last two seasons the young Romanian-born conductor Cristian Macelaru has stepped into the same big shoes, replacing an indisposed Pierre Boulez on the podium of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. After the second look, on March 7, one can only join the applauding CSO musicians in saluting Macelaru as a star in the making. ★★★★

Honoring composer whose time may be now, Salonen, Yo-Yo Ma make case for Lutosławski

Mar 2, 2013 – 1:04 am | 2,764 views
Yo Yo Ma and Esa-Pekka Salonen take bows after performing the Lutoslawski Cello Concerto with Chicago Symphony Orchestra 2013 credit Todd Rosenberg

Review: Among the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s most important relationships with conductors in their prime middle years is surely that with Finnish conductor and composer Esa-Pekka Salonen, 54, who led a concert of Tchaikovsky, Sibelius and Lutoslawski so compelling that it made one want to go back to the box office and do the whole thing all over again. Through March 3. ★★★★★

In tributes to ‘Tristan,’ Salonen and CSO lack forces and focus to embrace Wagner epic

Feb 23, 2013 – 10:22 am | 6,574 views
Esa Pekka Salonen conducts the Chicago Symphony Orchestra 2013 credit Todd Rosenberg

Review: Finnish conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen once undertook total immersion in the music of Richard Wagner’s “Tristan and Isolde,” an opera of lasting influence and extraordinary musical language, newly coined to express ecstatic, forbidden love and its all-consuming anguish. Today Salonen’s enthusiasm for exploring this operatic icon is undiminished. In addition to two concert performances with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra of “Tristan’s” mesmerizing second act, he led “Beyond the Score” performances that explored the controversy over Wagner’s musical nugget, the Tristan chord, and its breakthrough potential to lead the ear beyond traditional harmonic bounds. Neither effort proved entirely successful. Through Feb. 24.

CSO in Asia: At tour’s end, sense of triumph magnified by journey of maestro, musicians

Feb 7, 2013 – 3:00 am | 2,535 views
Lorin Maazel conducts Brahms' Symphony No. 2 with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in Beijing on 2013 Asia tour - credit Todd Rosenberg

Report: The Chicago Symphony Orchestra had come a long way, in every sense and under trying circumstances, to hear the Seoul Arts Center rocked by applause on the final stop of its Asia tour. In the quiet of an interview before the closing concerts, conductor Lorin Maazel, who had joined the fraught tour in Hong Kong to lead the CSO across China to this conclusion, its first ever visit to Seoul, described his thrown-together effort with the orchestra not merely as a challenge met, but as “an impossible task.” That the mission was accomplished as impressively as it was, Maazel said, bore witness not only to the Chicagoans’ musicianship but also to their collective professionalism.

CSO, Muti plan tributes to Verdi and Schubert in 2013-14 season, with two world premieres

Feb 6, 2013 – 3:24 pm | 3,111 views
Chicago Symphony Orchestra music director Riccardo Muti takes a bow with the CSO credit Todd Rosenberg

Report: We offer our hot picks.

CSO in Asia: That purring sound is Muti’s ‘Ferrari,’ driven by Maazel, cruising China

Feb 5, 2013 – 5:07 am | 4,095 views
Conductor Lorin Maazel smiles at the audience as he takes his final bow in Shanghai on Chicago Symphony 2013 Asia tour credit Todd Rosenberg

Report: TIANJIN – Conductor Lorin Maazel has pretty much peaked out in his appreciation of the Chicago Symphony, even topping music director Riccardo Muti’s proud comparison of the orchestra to a Ferrari. Shortly after he caught up with the CSO to take over its Asia tour conducting duties from Edo de Waart, in Hong Kong, the grey eminence Maazel summed up the impression he drew from his first rehearsal with the orchestra: “About an hour into it, I thought to myself, ‘My God, what a sound!’”

CSO in Asia: Without fanfare, musicians give gifts of art and joy; see themselves richer

Feb 1, 2013 – 2:39 pm | 4,539 views

Report: Halfway into the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Asia tour, trombonist Michael Mulcahy was reflecting on a little concert he and four colleagues played for some children back in Taipei. Without hesitating a sixteenth note, Mulcahy declared that encounter with the kids and their parents, no more than 150 people, “the most magnificent thing that has happened to me on this trip.”

CSO in Asia: Lorin Maazel, maestro and guru, says little but it’s all music to happy campers

Jan 29, 2013 – 1:24 pm | 3,402 views
Lorin Maazel joins the Chicago Symphony Asia 2013 tour in Hong Kong and everyone feels comfortable with the music they are making - credit Todd Rosenberg

Report: As the sweatered and smiling 82-year-old Lorin Maazel climbed to his seat and settled into a high swivel chair atop the double-riser podium at Hong Kong Cultural Centre on Jan. 28, the conductor’s presence seemed to relax the musicians of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. What came next, in this first rehearsal together, was impressive not for what Maazel said, but for what he didn’t.

CSO in Asia: With a colossal effort, orchestra and Osmo Vänskä score Beethoven triumph

Jan 27, 2013 – 9:39 pm | 4,160 views
Conductor Osmo Vänskä salutes Chicago Symphony musicians at his last performance on the CSO 2013 Asia tour, photo by Todd Rosenberg

Review: Like an army advancing from a victorious engagement, a weary Chicago Symphony Orchestra arrived in Hong Kong Sunday after gaining a success against long odds at the Chiang Kai-shek National Concert Hall in Taipei. The CSO closed out the first leg of its Asia tour in Taiwan by doing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 (“Eroica”) the hard way: playing this indeed “heroic” work in a single late-afternoon rehearsal with conductor Osmo Vänskä, then coming right back to it for an intensely concentrated, razor-sharp performance before a packed concert audience.

CSO in Asia: Grace, true grit and Robert Chen prevail as star-crossed tour opens in Taipei

Jan 25, 2013 – 11:09 pm | 8,401 views
Robert Chen, Chicago Symphony Orchestra concertmaster, acknowledges applause for his Taipei performance of Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with CSO on Asia tour 2013 as conductor Osmo Vänskä looks on credit Todd Rosenberg

Review: The Chicago Symphony Orchestra presented the first concert in its troubled Asia tour here Jan. 25 with a performance that flew on a wing and a prayer. Make that one rehearsal and the grace of some sterling musicianship. Under the baton of Osmo Vänskä, an 11th-hour replacement for ailing CSO music director Riccardo Muti, the orchestra offered the well-filled Chiang Kai-shek National Concert Hall a generous program that made a big splash even if it didn’t entirely sparkle.

Holy cow! Frantic CSO, in Asia sans Muti, endures nail-biting days but tour stage set

Jan 24, 2013 – 3:52 pm | 7,787 views
Liberty Times headlines about the Chicago Symphony tour substitions Jan. 21 2012

CSO Asia Tour Report:The Liberty Times Taipei headline says “The great Chicago Symphony Orchestra breaks its normal rule and tours with two soloists; Taiwan’s music lovers gain the most.” The optimism is a welcome development for CSO leaders who raced against time to forge a solution when illness forced music director Riccardo Muti to pull out of the orchestra’s imminent Asia tour. Concerts begin Jan. 24 in Taipei and end Feb. 7 in Seoul.

CSO adds Russian violinist Maxim Vengerov, concertmaster Chen, maestro Vänskä for Asia

Jan 20, 2013 – 1:35 am | 3,196 views
Violinist Maxim Vengerov, who recently returned to concert performance after a prolonged absence, will headline a Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert in Taipei January 2013 credit Naim Chidiac – Abu Dhabi Festival 2012

Report: Pressed to find a conductor for concerts in Taiwan on Jan. 25 and 26 that will open its Asia tour, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra late Saturday announced both a maestro and a double bonus for audiences in Taipei. Joining Finnish conductor Osmo Vänskä in solo appearances will be the celebrated violin virtuoso Maxim Vengerov and CSO concertmaster Robert Chen, a native of Taiwan.

Report: Riccardo Muti, facing surgery, drops out of CSO’s Asian tour; Maazel steps in

Jan 18, 2013 – 12:35 am | 2,013 views
Lorin Maazel will replace Riccardo Muti for most concerts in  Chicago Symphony 2013 Asian tour Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and Seoul credit Chris Lee

Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing on sked

Standing in for Muti as CSO readies for Asia, De Waart leads stylish bundle of Beethoven

Jan 11, 2013 – 7:21 pm | 5,838 views
Edo de Waart credit Amsterdam Concertgebouw

Review: Concerts this weekend and next were supposed to be warm-ups for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Asian tour, launching later this month with music director Riccardo Muti. But with Muti laid low by the flu, the tour preview has a new man on the podium at Orchestra Hall – Edo De Waart, music director of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. To judge by Thursday night’s opening flourish, an all-Beethoven affair, De Waart will send the CSO on its way to the Far East — and presumably back to Muti’s stewardship – fiddle fit.

Battling flu, Riccardo Muti flies home to Italy; De Waart to lead 2nd week of CSO concerts

Jan 9, 2013 – 5:09 pm | 2,793 views
Riccardo Muti conducts Chicago Symphony Orchestra,  9/28/07,

Report: Asian tour with Muti stlll a go

Edo de Waart will replace ailing Riccardo Muti in Chicago Symphony’s Beethoven fare

Jan 8, 2013 – 5:50 pm | 3,087 views
Edo de Waart credit Edo de Waart

Report: Flu sidelines CSO maestro

Orchestra for Peace honors Solti centenary; conductor left a prodigious recording legacy

Oct 20, 2012 – 2:00 pm | 8,123 views
Sir Georg Solti conducting feature image credit Clive Barda London Records

An Appreciation: The birth centenary of any great contributor to human affairs gives us pause. But the Oct. 21 concert by the World Orchestra for Peace at Orchestra Hall, honoring the 100th anniversary of Sir Georg Solti’s birth, has personal relevance for me. At the same time Solti commenced his musical directorship of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, in September 1969, I began my professional career as a music critic, at The Milwaukee Sentinel. There’s more to that connection than mere coincidence.

Osmo Vänskä, subbing for Haitink, leads CSO in radiant Brahms symphony, Double Concerto

Oct 19, 2012 – 1:57 pm | 3,668 views
Osmo Vanska feature image

Review: Orchestra Hall was packed for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s all-Brahms concert Thursday night, and one had to believe much of that audience had signed up because the scheduled conductor was favorite guest maestro Bernard Haitink. But when Haitink became “indisposed,” Minnesota Orchestra music director Osmo Vänskä stepped in – and, with two brilliant soloists and the CSO at peak form, delivered an evening of Brahms to remember. ★★★★★

CSO extends consultancy with Yo-Yo Ma; cites record gifts and ticket sales, but higher costs

Oct 18, 2012 – 1:27 am | 36,880 views
Yo Yo Ma discusses finer points of music with fellow cellists who are members of the Civic Orchestra credit Todd Rosenberg

Report: Yo-Yo Ma’s high profile creative consultancy with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra has been extended another two years through 2015, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association (CSOA) announced Oct. 17 at the organization’s annual meeting at Symphony Center. In its financial tally for fiscal 2012, the CSOA reported that contributions rose a record 11.6 percent to $28.2 million, but total expenses outpaced that growth slightly.

BREAKING NEWS: Haitink cancels CSO concerts; Minnesota maestro Osmo Vänskä subs

Oct 10, 2012 – 12:41 pm | 5,780 views
Osmo Vanska

Haitink “indisposed,” program same

Opening Carnegie Hall season, Muti and CSO match the celebrity sparkle of a packed house

Oct 3, 2012 – 10:48 pm | 4,993 views
Duaine Wolfe, director of the Chicago Symphony Chorus, listens from the back of Carnegie Hall as the CSO rehearses for the evening concert. Chicago Symphony Orchestra NY Mexico Tour October 2012 credit Todd Rosenberg

Report from NYC: “Carmina Burana”

CSO and musicians reach tentative agreement; 3-year pact secures concerts, October tours

Sep 24, 2012 – 8:55 pm | 7,142 views
Upcoming concerts and tours can be salvaged if the Chicago Symphony management and musicians ratify their tentative contract. File photo of the Chicago  Symphony and music director Riccardo Muti. Credit Todd Rosenberg

Report: CSO board’s approval due soon.

As CSO contract talks break down, musicians’ strike forces last-minute concert cancellation

Sep 23, 2012 – 1:23 am | 2,905 views
Chicago Symphony musicians' strike signs

Update: Talks resume with mediator.

Muti and the CSO launch season with a bang sparked by off-beat, over-the-top mix of works

Sep 21, 2012 – 5:50 pm | 2,820 views
9/20/12 8:50:14 PM -- Music Director Riccardo Muti conducts the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in Dvorák's  Symphony No. 5  during the opening of the CSO's 2012/13 season at Orchestra Hall. Credit Todd Rosenberg

Review: Symphony orchestra seasons typical open with some form of sizzle, maybe a mix of warhorse masterwork and superstar soloist. But music director Riccardo Muti went the opposite direction, kicking off the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s new season Thursday night with a complete sleeper of a program, an evening of little-known works and with no soloist at all. It was terrific. ****

CSO resident composer Mason Bates receives $250,000 Heinz award in arts and humanities

Sep 12, 2012 – 10:39 am | 1,510 views
5/14/11 7:45:35 PM : Chicago Symphony OrchestraRiccardo Muti Music DirectorYoYo Ma Cello* Bates  The B-Sides, Five Pieces for Orchestra and Electronica* Schumann  Cello Concerto* Strauss  Aus Italien © Todd Rosenberg Photography 2011

He receives prize Oct. 11 in Pittsburgh.

Ravinia favorite Misha Dichter’s double life revealed: The pianist’s a serious cartoonist

Jul 28, 2012 – 3:13 pm | 7,385 views
Misha Dichter drawing from A Pianist's World in Drawings credit Rosetta Books

Report: Pianist Misha Dichter, who celebrates his 45th consecutive season with the Ravinia Festival on July 29, shares his passion for sketching in a new e-book.

With Muti again managing the house, CSO’s Bruckner Sixth becomes one splendid edifice

Jun 24, 2012 – 11:30 am | 2,874 views
10/3/07 9:59:04 PM-- Chicago Symphony Orchestra European Tour 2007.

Review: One of the fascinations of this Chicago Symphony Orchestra season — which drew toward its close Sunday with the final performance of Bruckner’s Sixth in its sumptuous glory — has been to hear various conductors come into the same acoustical space of Orchestra Hall, stand in the same spot where music director Riccardo Muti stands, and ply their art with the same band of a hundred-plus that Muti conducts. ****

Capping second CSO season with Bruckner, Muti pledges Austrian-accented 6th Symphony

Jun 19, 2012 – 9:07 am | 2,684 views
Riccardo Muti closeup conducts Chicago credit_Todd_Rosenberg

Exclusive Interview: When conductor Riccardo Muti recorded Bruckner’s Symphony No. 6 in A Major with the Berlin Philharmonic 25 years ago, he came to the task steeped in the Bruckner tradition of the Vienna Philharmonic – a distinctively Austrian way of looking at this thoroughly Austrian Late-Romantic composer. Now, to close out his second season as music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Muti says he will bring that perspective to the Bruckner Sixth on June 22-24.