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Articles tagged with: Blood and Gifts

Role Playing: Kareem Bandealy tapped roots, hit books to form warlord in ‘Blood and Gifts’

Jun 1, 2013 – 10:31 pm | 5,652 views
Kareem Bandealy

Interview: Our guy – the American – in J.T. Rogers’ play “Blood and Gifts,” about the United States’ clandestine effort to blunt the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s, is a CIA agent. We see the unfolding events through his eyes. But the character who elicits our sympathy and commands our imagination is an Afghan warlord called Abdullah Khan. He is made credible flesh and elusive spirit at TimeLine Theatre in a riveting performance by Kareem Bandealy, who says his portrait reflects both his own cultural heritage and the desperation that drives this unpredictable warrior.

‘Blood and Gifts’ at TimeLine: Blood-soaked Afghanistan as pawn in U.S.-Russian faceoff

May 11, 2013 – 4:32 pm | 18,976 views
Kareem Bandealy as Abdullah Kahn in Blood and Gifts at TimeLine Theatre credit Lara Goetsch

Review: ★★★★★

The New Season: Stark Vietnam prison drama, Beethoven riddle define spectrum at TimeLine

Aug 1, 2012 – 6:02 pm | 4,978 views
TimeLine lobby during world premiere production of My Kind of Town by John conroy 2012 credit Lara Goetsch

Second in a series of season previews: Playwright Susan Felder’s “Wasteland,” a world premiere about two American G.I.’s imprisoned in Vietnam isolation, plus three Chicago premieres make up TimeLine’s 2012-13 schedule; season opens Aug. 24 with a musical riddle.