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Articles tagged with: 33 Variations

‘Variations’ at TimeLine: Seeking the solution to Beethoven’s obsession with a trivial waltz

Sep 18, 2012 – 11:56 pm | 6,334 views
Juliet Hart, Janet Ulrich Brooks and George Lepauw in Chicago premiere of 33 Variations by Moisés Kaufman at TimeLine Theatre 2012 credit Lara Goetsch

Review: ★★★

The New Season: Stark Vietnam prison drama, Beethoven riddle define spectrum at TimeLine

Aug 1, 2012 – 6:02 pm | 4,979 views
TimeLine lobby during world premiere production of My Kind of Town by John conroy 2012 credit Lara Goetsch

Second in a series of season previews: Playwright Susan Felder’s “Wasteland,” a world premiere about two American G.I.’s imprisoned in Vietnam isolation, plus three Chicago premieres make up TimeLine’s 2012-13 schedule; season opens Aug. 24 with a musical riddle.