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Articles by Lawrence B. Johnson

Lyric Opera’s ‘Butterfly’ displays a fine frame, but the musical drama is a different picture

Oct 17, 2013 – 10:58 pm | 6,810 views
'Madama Butterfly' Lyric Opera Chicago (Dan Rest)

Review: To behold the grand, airy set for “Madama Butterfly” at the Lyric Opera of Chicago, with its curvaceous walkway and layered, mat-like proscenium framing – on display even as the audience assembled — was to sense one’s expectations peak toward something special, uncommon, fine. What ensued was largely unremarkable, even unattractive in various aspects from conducting and singing to basic on-stage movement. ★★

Role Playing: Karen Woditsch shapes vowels, flings arms to perfect portrait of Julia Child

Oct 16, 2013 – 5:42 pm | 8,859 views
Karen Janes Woditsch

Interview: “Terror is a good place to start,” Karen Janes Woditsch was saying about her beguiling performance as cooking icon Julia Child in “To Master the Art.” “And I started there. I added the ingredients of her character very slowly.”

Theater 2013-14: Next’s season of premieres starts with Chicago link to Anne Frank story

Oct 15, 2013 – 7:07 am | 11,048 views
Anne Frank as a marionette is the center of attention in 'Compulsion' at Next Theatre. (Michael Brosilow)

15th in a series of season previews: Next Theatre explores the elusive stuff of secrets and lies in a season of Midwest and Chicago premieres that opens Oct. 15 with Rinne Groff’s “Compulsion,” based on the story of a Chicagoan who spent three decades pursuing the real story of Anne Frank.

‘4000 Miles’ at Northlight: To Grandmother’s house he goes, and she’s worth the long ride

Oct 13, 2013 – 10:45 pm | 5,049 views
Leo (Josh Salt) and his grandma Vera (Mary Ann Thebus) get high together in '4000 Miles' at Northlight Theatre. (Michael Brosilow photo)

Review: Leo crashes Vera’s apartment in the middle of the night, a sort of grown up waif, lost to the world, clutching the bicycle he has just ridden cross-country from the Northwest to New York’s East Village. They’re a lot alike, Leo and Vera, rebels with or without cause – except that she’s his grandma. Mary Ann Thebus’ savvy, frank, altogether delightful performance provides something real and lasting to take away from Amy Herzog’s semi-developed play “4000 Miles” at Northlight Theatre. ★★

Riccardo Muti and stellar CSO cast honor Verdi bicentennial with a majestic view of Requiem

Oct 11, 2013 – 11:41 am | 6,449 views
Verdi Requiem Feature Image Oct. 10, 2013 (Todd Rosenberg)

Review: It’s hardly surprising that anyone familiar with Verdi’s operas would associate his Requiem with that imposing body of music-dramas. The musical language of the one informs the rhetoric of the other. But the difference between Verdi’s stage works and great spiritual drama of the Requiem was the distinguishing feature of conductor Riccardo Muti’s account with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra on Oct. 10, the 200th anniversary of the composer’s birth.

‘Pullman Porter Blues’ at Goodman: Rails hum song of black men’s pride and sacrifice

Oct 8, 2013 – 1:42 pm | 8,335 views
'Pullman Porter Blues' at the Goodman (Liz Lauren)

Review:It is redolent of Chicago, eloquent of a shadowed time that was, Cheryl L. West’s song-filled “Pullman Porter Blues” at the Goodman Theatre. It is a gritty, pulsing, sweet hymn to the generations of black men who made train-travel hum back in the day. ★★★★

Joffrey Ballet and Mariinsky Orchestra recall wonder of Stravinsky’s ‘Sacre du printemps’

Oct 3, 2013 – 10:11 pm | 2,969 views
The Joffrey Ballet, 'Le sacre du printemps,' restoration of the Nijinsky-Roerich conception (Roger Mastroianni)

Review: Parisians first experienced “Le sacre du printemps” as dance, in Vaslav Nijinsky’s choreography for the Ballets Russes in 1913, then shortly after came back to Stravinsky’s stunning music as concert fare. Now Chicagoans have encountered the same sequence — in the Joffrey Ballet’s splendid re-creation of the work two weeks ago at the Auditorium Theatre, followed Oct. 2 by the Mariinsky Orchestra’s supercharged performance at Orchestra Hall with conductor Valery Gergiev.

On grand new stage, ‘To Master the Art’ still whips up Julia Child’s zeal for French cuisine

Oct 1, 2013 – 9:39 pm | 7,406 views
Julia Child (Karen Janes Woditsch) gets her first lesson from chef Bugnard (Terry Hamilton) in To Master the Art. (Giorgio Ventola)

Review: It is like properly prepared scrambled eggs, this rebuilt production of “To Master the Art,” the story of how a tall, kitchen-clueless Californian became the famous Julia Child: basic, sumptuous, irresistible. If this lovely play, written by William Brown and Doug Frew, possessed an intimate charm in its original 2010 staging at TimeLine Theatre that cannot be replicated in the Broadway Playhouse’s grander proscenium venue, its essential warmth and honesty remain undiminished. ★★★★

To corporate raider, the blood is just business in ‘Other People’s Money’ at Shattered Globe

Sep 27, 2013 – 10:33 pm | 12,557 views
They call him Larry the Liquidator (Ben Werling) and he's proud of it in Shattered Globe's Other People's Money (Emily Schwartz)

Review: Larry Garfinkle lives by the numbers, as in quarterly profits and losses. He’s a practical guy, all business, with a nose for blood. When he sees a company in trouble, he moves in, goes for the kill, let the working stiffs fall where they may. And Larry Garfinkle is thoroughly inhabited, from his three-piece suits to his vulgar charm, in Ben Werling’s portrayal at the center of Jerry Sterner’s wry comedy “Other People’s Money” for Shattered Globe Theatre. ★★★★

‘Raisin in the Sun’ at TimeLine: Family dreams confront reality in a journey back to the future

Sep 25, 2013 – 2:20 pm | 10,769 views
Karl (Chris Rickett, left) tries to talk the Youngers out of moving to all-white Clybourne Park. TimeLine's 'A Raisin in the Sun' 2013 (Lara Goetsch)

Review: The disturbing thing about Lorraine Hansberry’s 1959 play “A Raisin in the Sun,” a sharply drawn portrait of America’s racial divide and one black family’s resolve to cross that chasm, is how current it still feels in the season-opening production at TimeLine Theatre, potently and humanely crafted by director Ron OJ Parson. ★★★★

Muti finally presiding, CSO delivers Brahms Second Symphony the Asia tour didn’t get

Sep 20, 2013 – 2:08 pm | 12,187 views
Riccardo Muti begins 2013-14 season with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (© Todd Rosenberg)

Review: Ah, so that was the Brahms Second Symphony the Chicago Symphony Orchestra had planned to share with audiences in Asia last winter — on the tour music director Riccardo Muti had to skip because of emergency surgery. With stand-in conductors Osmo Vänskä and Lorin Maazel, the CSO had delivered authoritative, even commanding performances of the Brahms Second on that troubled tour. But to put it plainly, those efforts bore no relation to the exquisite account the CSO summoned Thursday night in its season opener at Orchestra Hall with Muti once again on the podium.

In Verdi’s rarely staged ‘Giovanna d’Arco,’ director sees image of modern fanaticism

Sep 19, 2013 – 3:56 pm | 11,375 views
Joan of Arc, ca.1450-1500, oil on canvas, Centre Historique des Archives Nationales, Paris

Preview: Chicago Opera Theater jumps into the Verdi bicentennial observance this weekend with its season opener, a relatively rare staging of the composer’s early “Giovanna d’Arco.” The stage has not generously embraced this odd riff on Joan of Arc’s life – and death. “It’s one of history’s most extraordinary, mind-bending true stories,” says stage director David Schweizer, “and the audience knows that. But the work is filled with rapturous music.”

‘The Mountaintop’ at Court: In Dr. King’s final hours, coffee served from a cup of revelation

Sep 17, 2013 – 4:39 pm | 8,678 views
David Alan Anderson and Lisa Beasley in 'The Mountaintop' by Katori Hall at Court Theatre 2013 (Michael Brosilow)

Review: On his last night on earth, exhausted from his civil rights campaign, the threat of assassination constantly before him, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., perhaps hinted at a premonition of his own end when he declared that he had “been to the mountaintop” and “seen the Promised Land.” Playwright Katori Hall spins that intimation into luminous fantasy in “The Mountaintop,” a transmigrational arabesque for two players that now irradiates the stage at Court Theatre. ★★★★

Theater 2013-14: Redtwist bundles premieres and extends hand to young actors, directors

Sep 10, 2013 – 10:12 pm | 10,088 views
'Clybourne Park' will receive its first Chicago storefront production at Redtwist Theatre in October 2013 (image courtesy of opheliasjump.org)

14th in a series of season previews: What Redtwist Theatre artistic director Michael Colucci calls “the storefront premiere” of Bruce Norris’ “Clybourne Park” and the world premiere of ensemble member Tommy Lee Johnston’s “Geezers” will bookend the company’s 2013-14 season. Redtwist also will embark on a two-fold expansion program designed to create new opportunities for directors and actors just out of theater school.

Theater 2013-14: Lookingglass will populate stage with people in off-balance moments

Sep 6, 2013 – 11:49 am | 9,450 views
The young Marguerite Duras

12th in a series of season previews: When theatrical characters step out of their comfort zones, you have the makings of keen-edged drama. That’s the essence of a Lookingglass’ Theatre 2013-14 season that boasts two world premieres among three productions.

Theater 2013-14: The lure of a different life links Raven trips to ‘Bountiful’ and beyond

Sep 4, 2013 – 2:25 pm | 4,390 views
Millie Hurley as Carrie Watts in 'A Trip to Bountiful,' which opens the Raven Theatre 2013-14 season.

Tenth in a series of season previews: From the season opener, Horton Foote’s “The Trip to Bountiful” to the finale with Tennessee Williams’s “The Vieux Carré,” the 2013-14 lineup of plays at Raven Theatre centers on what artistic director Michael Menendian calls “that little ache in our heart, the secret longing for a different life.”

Theater 2013-14: Joan Allen’s return and five premieres will light marquee at Steppenwolf

Sep 2, 2013 – 3:27 pm | 8,741 views
Edgar Miguel Sanchez, Demetrios Troy, Scott Stangland, Joan Allen and La Shawn Bank in rehearsal for 'The Wheel' at Steppenwolf (Thomas Weitz)

Eighth in series of season previews: In a 2013-14 season that artistic director Martha Lavey promises will “make you laugh out loud and think deeply about how we live and love,” Steppenwolf Theatre offers two world premieres and two Chicago premieres – and to open the season an American premiere featuring the long-deferred homecoming of company co-founder Joan Allen.

Theater 2013-14: Irish world premiere tops lineup of 5 shows in Northlight’s 39th year

Aug 29, 2013 – 11:50 pm | 3,546 views
John Mahoney

Seventh in season preview series: Northlight Theatre’s marquee for 2013-14 promises a world premiere turn by actor John Mahoney, the company directing debut of Ron OJ Parson in a Midwest premiere and director Kimberly Senior’s inauguration in her new role as the 39-year-old company’s first artistic associate.

Theater 2013-14: The few, the proud (actors) will fight and fight again in Lifeline war zones

Aug 27, 2013 – 10:20 pm | 3,842 views
The Killer Angels comes to TimeLine

Sixth in a series of season previews: Lifeline Theatre’s 2013-14 season, bannered as “War and Redemption,” will be played out on large canvases indeed – with opening salvos from the Civil War and the French Revolution. The season boasts two world premiere adaptations and a major component of staged tumult.

Theater 2013-14: Shattered Globe puts deposit on edgy season with ‘Other People’s Money’

Aug 23, 2013 – 2:49 pm | 14,782 views
Other People's Money saturate montage

Fifth in a series of season previews: The stuff of Shattered Globe Theatre’s season planning might be described as polar opposites: The issues that concern us all and the issues that pull as apart. Perfectly matched to that conflicted perspective is the company’s 22nd season opener, the double-edged comedy of Jerry Sterner’s “Other People’s Money.”

Shakespeare rules the playbill as Stratford unveils plans for its 2014 summer festival

Aug 22, 2013 – 11:19 am | 5,808 views
Shakespeare c 1610, the recently discovered Cobbe portrait, believed to have been created  while he was alive (Getty Images - Wiki)

Report: While the Stratford Festival has shed its branding association with the Bard of Avon, any concerns that the festival might really be loosening its traditional ties with Shakespeare should be allayed by newly announced plans for the summer of 2014. The Bard abounds. The festival’s five Shakespeare productions will include two takes on “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” — a full-scale account and a “chamber” version for just four players directed by one of the world’s most innovative masters of stagecraft, Peter Sellars.

Theater 2013-14: Chicago premiere leads off Porchlight’s exploration of musical landscape

Aug 15, 2013 – 6:57 pm | 6,523 views
The Aguilar brothers - Adrian and Alexander - play a couple of song and dance men on deadline in 'Double Trouble' (Brandon Dahlquist)

Fourth in a series of season previews: Porchlight Music Theatre prides itself on taking a new approach to classic musicals, “as if the script just came across the desk,” says managing artistic director Michael Weber. Opening with the Chicago premiere of the two-hand farce “Double Trouble,” Porchlight’s 2013-14 season reflects that spirit of approaching a show “with an understanding that we can stretch it and explore it in a different way.”

Theater 2013-14: Hank Williams’ life in song and world premiere on American Blues slate

Aug 14, 2013 – 11:48 am | 9,271 views
Matthew Brumlow as Hank Williams in 'Lost Highway' at American Blues Theater (Johnny Knight)

Third in a series of season previews: The spirit and legend of Americana buoys the 2013-14 season at American Blues Theater, from a musical biography of country star Hank Williams to the world premiere of Christina Gorman’s “American Myth,” about a professor of history who has perhaps fudged the details of his own past. The new season also sees storefront American Blues taking up residence at the Greenhouse Theater Center on North Lincoln Avenue.

Theater 2013-14: Charting course back to its earthy roots, Profiles celebrates 25th season

Aug 13, 2013 – 12:27 pm | 3,601 views
Playwright Neil LaBute

Second in a series of season previews: Profiles Theatre will mark its 25th anniversary this season by getting back to what co-artistic director Joe Jahraus calls the lean, mean style that has set this company apart. That’s lean as in Neil LaBute’s “Wrecks,” a one-actor narrative about the devastation of a man’s life wrought by the death of his wife, and mean as in Rhett Rossi’s “In God’s Hat,” which plays out through the taut, charged reunion of two estranged brothers when one of them is released from prison.

Theater 2013-14: TimeLine will raise curtain with fresh look at classic ‘Raisin in the Sun’

Aug 9, 2013 – 5:02 pm | 10,846 views
Mildred Marie Langford and Greta Oglesby in Milwaukee Rep's Raisin in the Sun alternate feature (Michael Brosilow)

First in a series of season previews: TimeLine Theatre rolls into its 17th season by turning back the clock more than half a century to Lorraine Hansberry’s classic story of racial prejudice in Chicago, “A Raisin in the Sun.” Though two of the Milwaukee Rep leads will appear at TimeLine – Greta Oglesby as Mama, who’s bent on seeing her family better situated, and Mildred Marie Langford as her daughter Beneatha, who dreams of a medical career – this production will be a complete rethinking of the work, from sets to concept.

‘Molly Sweeney’ at American Players Theatre: From gentle darkness, a voyage to rough light

Aug 6, 2013 – 5:07 pm | 9,736 views
Colleen Madden as a blind woman who sees differently in Brian Friel's 'Molly Sweeney' at American Players Theatre 2013 (Carissa Dixon)

Review: She is a perfectly happy lady, Molly Sweeney. Though blind since early childhood, she’s content in her soul, and wondrously in touch with the world, which she views – through the tactile, auditory and aromatic senses – as very much hers. Then her husband and a once-celebrated eye surgeon convince her that an operation could open up unimagined vistas of bliss. That’s the harrowing thrust of Brian Friel’s intimate tragedy “Molly Sweeney,” delivered with equal parts of sensitivity and irony and shattering impact at American Players Theatre.. ★★★★

‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ lights the open sky with crisp mirth at American Players

Jul 29, 2013 – 10:12 pm | 11,926 views
Buddies Valentine (Travis A. Knight) and Proteus (Marcus Truschinski) become rivals in love in The Two Gentlemen of Verona at APT 2013 (Zane Williams)

Review: Traditional criticism hasn’t been altogether kind to Shakespeare’s early comedy “The Two Gentlemen of Verona,” which is often portrayed as a workshop effort that set the stage for the Bard’s later, more sophisticated riffs on the madness of love. But this summer’s sharply drawn, energetic and sly production at American Players Theatre makes a savvy, satisfying case for a comedy worth catching. ★★★★

Chicago Shakespeare returns Bard to parks with merry madness of ‘Comedy of Errors’

Jul 27, 2013 – 11:45 am | 5,497 views
Portraying the duplicate twins in The Comedy of Errors are, from left, Samuel Taylor, Paul Hurley, Jürgen Hooper and Andy Lutz credit Chuck Osgood.

Preview: What could be funnier, or crazier, a more riotous lark than Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s touring production of the Bard’s “Taming of the Shrew” in parks across Chicago last summer? The answer well may be this summer’s CST encore: 26 free performances in 18 parks of Shakespeare’s madcap farce “The Comedy of Errors.”

‘Million Dollar Quartet’ poised to break record with 2,000th performance of a rockin’ night

Jul 11, 2013 – 12:11 pm | 8,650 views
Lance-Lipinsky-as-Jerry-Lee-Lewis-with-the-cast-of-the-Million-Dollar-Quartet-at-Chicagos-Apollo-Theater feature sub

Preview: It will hardly come as news to anyone who has seen the show, possibly several times, but “Million Dollar Quartet” – recalling a chance jam session that brought together Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins – has proved to be solid-gold entertainment. The Chicago show will see its 2,000th performance on July 11 at the Apollo Theater, which only extends “The Million Dollar Quartet’s” record as the longest-running Broadway show in Chicago theater history.

Lookingglass ‘Big Lake Big City’ means murder, lethal comedy on dark streets of Chicago

Jul 3, 2013 – 3:38 pm | 13,162 views
Philip R. Smith, left, with Beth Lacke and Eddie Martinez in Big Lake Big City by Keith Huff at Lookingglass Theatre credit Liz Lauren

Review: Enter a hurled chair, pursued by a raging detective. Thus begins Chicago playwright Keith Huff’s rambunctious, violently funny police drama “Big Lake Big City,” a slice of Chicago’s underbelly examined from the viewpoint of a rough-cut cop who probably never met a suspect he didn’t punch or a woman he understood. “Big Lake Big City,” in its world-premiere run at Lookingglass Theatre, is slyly skewed, uproarious fun, a spider’s web of interlaced lives and cross-hatched deeds adding up to an open and shut case of sober insanity. ★★★★★